1. What is Hypnosis?
The nature of Hypnosis is actually quite difficult to define, and there is much debate as to what exactly hypnosis is, even among therapists! It is often described in textbooks as an ‘altered state’ of awareness. Some people, including many therapists, describe hypnosis as a state of relaxation.
2. What Hypnosis Isn’t.
- There is absolutely no control on the part of the hypnotist (or therapist)
- A person in hypnosis cannot be made to do anything they don’t want to do
- A person in hypnosis cannot be made to reveal their innermost secrets
- Hypnosis is not a state of unconsciousness or sleep
- It is impossible to get ‘stuck’ in hypnosis
- Hypnosis is not magic (although the results of therapy can be!)
- There’s nothing ‘paranormal’ about hypnosis at all – it’s a natural state of mind
- No-one can be hypnotised against their will.
3. What Hypnosis is.
- Hypnosis is an everyday and natural state of mind.
- Being engrossed in a book or being emotionally involved in a film is a form of hypnosis, or even daydreaming!
- Simple learning, e.g. at school or college could be considered to be a form of hypnosis.
- It is a totally normal state that we all drift into and and out of many times in an ordinary day
- An extremely relaxed and positive mental and physical state
4. What does being hypnotised feel like?
There’s no such thing as feeling hypnotised. It is important to understand that different people will experience hypnosis in different ways. Some people may notice that they feel rather heavy, whilst others may feel light and ‘floaty.’ Often the closed eyelids can flutter a little, or there may be a slight tingling sensation in various parts of the body. Some people may notice numbness in their hands or feet. However some people experience nothing at all, other than a feeling of deep relaxation. The experience of hypnosis is a very personal thing, but for most people it is just a very calm and pleasant feeling.
5. Can Anyone Be Hypnotised?
Anyone with a reasonable amount of intelligence, who can follow simple instructions, and is willing to be hypnotised, can be hypnotised.
It is difficult to hypnotise someone who is drunk, stoned or who is on certain prescription drugs either because they won’t be able to follow the instructions given or they may just fall asleep instead. It is generally believed that about 10% of the population are particularly susceptible and a further 10% are not easily hypnotisable due to low intelligence or an inability to follow instructions. The remaining 80% fall into the middle ground.
It is difficult to hypnotise someone who is drunk, stoned or who is on certain prescription drugs either because they won’t be able to follow the instructions given or they may just fall asleep instead. It is generally believed that about 10% of the population are particularly susceptible and a further 10% are not easily hypnotisable due to low intelligence or an inability to follow instructions. The remaining 80% fall into the middle ground.
6. What are the benefits of hypnotherapy?
The process of Hypnotherapy allows the trained and experienced Hypnotherapist to relax a client's conscious mind to the point that they can communicate directly with their powerful subconscious. They then, via a number of powerful and proven techniques and methods, find out the causes and reasons for an individual's specific issue, and then help the client to address them. Depending on the issue, sometimes a lifetime problem such as a fear of spiders, can be dealt with in one session. Sometimes other more complex problems may take several sessions depending on the individual.
7. What is Clinical Hypnotherapy?
Clinical Hypnotherapy is simply hypnotherapy that takes place in any centre dedicated to healing, health and wellbeing. Click Here!
8. What is Spiritual Hypnotherapy?
Spiritual hypnotherapy is a type of hypnosis used to achieve spiritual goals. It involves understanding oneself and identifying obstacles that may be preventing spiritual growth. The goal is to realize one's full potential. Click Here!
9. Is Hypnotherapy Better Than Psychoanalysis?
Both are effective in treating the same issues, however their approaches are different. Psychoanalysis is a lengthy talking processes that works primarily with the conscious mind and can take several years. This can be both time consuming and expensive. As an example, the minimum amount of sessions someone has to agree to would be about 40.
Whereas Hypnotherapy deals directly with the unconscious mind with most issues effectively dealt with on average of 3 or 4 sessions, depending on the individual.
Whereas Hypnotherapy deals directly with the unconscious mind with most issues effectively dealt with on average of 3 or 4 sessions, depending on the individual.